Yoga and art are two things that might seem worlds away, but they have more in common than you may think. Both art and yoga help us stimulate our senses, melt away stress, and shift our perspectives. Combining the two creates a fulfilling experience that will leave you feeling revitalized and inspired. Find out how art can influence your yoga practice below, as well as easy ways to incorporate art into your yoga space.

Italian Fabric Yoga Leggings City of Angels

What Do Art and Yoga Have In Common?

  • Both are proven methods for relieving stress. Yoga focuses on breathing exercises and asanas, or physical poses that alleviate stress. Artwork stimulates the brain’s production of serotonin, therefore serving as a mood-booster. They may have different physical effects on our bodies, but both yoga and art can leave us in a happier mental state.
  • Both are a form of escapism. Many people step onto their yoga mats or into art galleries to liven up their everyday routines. While yoga transports people to other spaces through meditation, art uses colors and brushstrokes to depict wondrous surroundings. Both have the power to make people leave the studio or gallery feeling mentally refreshed, as if they’ve just taken a quick trip away.
  • Both open the mind and enhance creativity. A big part of both yoga and art is learning to embrace the world with an open mind. Both practices will teach you to see the world in a new way, in turn boosting your creativity in other areas.

How To Incorporate Artwork Into Your Yoga Practice

There’s room for artwork in any yoga practice. Adding a calming print or painting into your yoga studio will enrich your practice, as you can use the visuals to aid in meditation. Whether it’s a depiction of a relaxing seascape or an abstract piece with soothing colors, the combination of artwork and pranayama breathing techniques will surely transport you to a magical place. You can also use details in the artwork as your drishti, or focal point, during balancing postures.


Expressionist paintings in particular are an excellent choice for your yoga space. Created with the intention to evoke strong emotions, expressionist artwork will inspire deep feelings of relaxation.

Inspiring Yoga Art-To-Wear Pieces

If you have no control over the decor of your yoga space because you practice at an external studio or in nature, you can still add artwork into your practice with our art-to-wear yoga collection. The comfortable and stylish pieces are made with eco-friendly fabrics designed to improve performance.


If you are able to decorate your yoga space, why not add the corresponding piece of artwork for a fully immersive experience? Below are a few of our favorite art-to-wear yoga sets and the pieces of artwork that inspired them.

Colors of Tokyo

   Yoga Colors of Tokyo

Women’s Performance Tank Top , Mesh Pocket Legging, Canvas Art Print


Peaceful Chaos

 yoga peaceful chaos

Eco Sports Bra , Yoga Leggings Italian Fabric , Yoga Microfiber Mat Towel, Framed Bamboo Fine Art Print 


Love in the City of Angels



Bird of Paradise


Performance Tank Top ($18.99), Yoga Pants ($65), Painting Panel 3 ($2800)




Shop our full range of yoga art-to-wear and original artwork to elevate your yoga practice today!

With gratitude,


31 mai, 2022 — Ane Howard